Eight values of Free Expression

I believe in stable change wholeheartedly as it’s important for alienated and angry citizens to vent because it enables the government to find dangerous groups and individuals. This is extremely important because as someone who used to go on unknown internet forums and go on the deepweb you would see individuals essentially snitching on themselves or encouraging others to participate in certain behaviors that the average person would not engage in. Since the early 2000’s the Australian government has been imprisoning hundreds of pedophiles in the country and even working with government officials in countries like the philippines, malaysia, thailand and other southeast asian countries in hunting australian pedophiles that have moved or fled to those countries. And one of the ways that they find out this information is through online forums both on the surface and dark web. Pedophiles and others with other disturbed philias typically make forums where they discuss, trade, groom, and encourage their behavior and as sick as it may be to see or read these things it has gotten thousands of people around the globe in jail and thousands of children have been rescued. 

I’ve even reported people to the FBI before, its very easy and if you find anyone engaging in acts of pedophilia or zoophilia of any sort report them to the local police in “Their” location. So if you find out that a zoopedo lives in Richmond, Virginia then report them to the authorities there. And the FBI also has a form that you can fill out to report them; just make sure you include proof and make sure everything is correct. If there's one thing I’ve learned after being on this earth for 23 years; humans have a habit of telling on themselves.

Marketplace of ideas has some merit and I do believe that the truth will always win over the lie but what concerns me about lies being out there is how long it takes for the truth to get out there. It's one thing for a child to tell a little tale so that they don’t get in trouble or telling a white lie to your sister, telling her that the dress looks good but it doesn't. It's another thing to lie to the masses or attempt to deceive others for your own gain. Because as history shows people are more than willing to believe a lie than the truth because sometimes the truth is too uncomfortable. You can scream the truth until your face is blue, but no one will listen because sometimes it's only you who knows. And other times the majority knows the truth but the ones in control keep the ones under them in the lie think Japan. 

During world world II japan committed some of the worst atrocities not only in modern history but in the history of Asia as a continent. It was so horrific that a nazi soldier wrote to hitler detailing how barbaric their torture and experiments where; it was that bad. And the japanese government hides any information or downright says that everything that happened during world world II was a lie despite the evidence. Most countries outside of Japan have documents, pictures, testimonies, some even have video and recordings of the crimes being committed but the government continues to say that is disinformation and slander against their nation; so the people of japan continue to believe the lie. So we circle back to my main point; while the truth is out there how long will it take for the truth to rear its ugly head.



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