Privacy on and offline

As someone who used to suffer from paranoia, learning about all the different ways I’m being watched and tracked was frightening. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve come to terms with the fact that no matter what I do I will be watched as long as I actively engage with technology and modern media. And like many young people I’m addicted to my phone and hearing that phones were originally developed for surveillance by the government isn’t shocking to me especially when I did research on the first cell phone. The government had approached AT&T for the sole purpose of creating phones for their government program but Motorola had beat them first. The funny thing is, surveillance is actually easier on android phones versus an iphone; for starters a android/google phone can get a virus but an iphone can’t. You can download apps from sketchy websites on an android but on an iPhone you can only download apps from the app store which are verified as secure; the only you can download unseemly apps on an iPhone is by jailbreaking it which I highly advise not doing. 

A way to protect yourself from online surveillance is using a tor browser and instead of googling use "Yandex" which is a browser that implements DNScrpyt which encrypts domain names. It also has access to information that is restricted or drowned out on websites like Google or Bing. And while I’m personally not a fan of the app “Whatsapp” is a pretty good alternative messaging app and I would recommend it for android users. Another way of having online and phone anonymity is by creating a “Proxy” on a laptop this can be accomplished using a flash drive and while I won’t get into the details of it essentially you create a hidden or fake identity that you use to surf the web or browse your phone untracked. It’s completely legal so if you want to have a higher level of security you could definitely try this. 

With the rise of artificial intelligence the government and private companies watching over the average citizen will rise to unprecedented heights, so I hope everyone takes steps in protecting their privacy and identity.


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